Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To be very old

In old age there are two fears:  Loss of the memory and becoming so self-centred that one forgets the outside world.  The weakened body makes demands, demands for attention, demands of pain, demands from those around.  One must find ways of looking outward to the worlds of other--So I greet others who bring their worlds to me.


Heather Blakey said...

You have had such an active mind and continued to stimulate it. I don't think it will let you down now. Meanwhile, if we can help by providing a smorgasbord of stimuli, all the better.

Edith said...

Oh Fran, I have always loved your work and what you bring to this group of writers and creative people, and I look forward to reading more of your work.

Fran said...

Shilou back with u
